Prepare the delivery bag
In the to-do list of the third trimester of pregnancy there is certainly the preparation of the bag for childbirth. What to bring What bag to choose When to prepare itrla?
You can find real lists with everything current for childbirth online or in specialized books and magazines, but they do not always manage to fully reflect reality. The information on useful things to take with you, in fact, can vary greatly depending on the structure you choose for the happy event..
We have collected some useful ideas to use as a starting point to better organize themselves, so that everyone can prepare a list suitable for their specific needs without forgetting the most important things.
1. Contact your chosen birth facility
Many hospitals publish online information regarding the birth path: documents and formalities necessary before and after birth, visits and analyzes during pregnancy, what to bring with you for the birth. If you do not find this information easily, you can contact the obstetrics department by phone and ask for guidance.
Some ideas: ask how manyyou change are necessary for the baby and how to organize them, information about nappies, if towels are needed, how much space is there for personal belongingsi…
2. Choose a bag that you already have and / or will reuse
The bag that you will take with you for the birth can be a real suitcase, but also a soft travel bag. There is no need to buy a new one, but if you have to do it we advise you to choose a washable and versatile one, not too bulky.
A few ideas: a roomy and machine washable bag can be used long after birth to carry the baby's spare clothes, perhaps becoming his luggage for the trips you will do together.
3. Get ready for the baby, but don't forget about yourself!
The necessary for the baby is essential, but let's not forget that also the mother and maybe the father! it will need some changes and some necessary for personal hygiene. Also on this point it is useful to discuss with the structure that will host the birth, but in general, comfortable clothing is recommended to the mother with particular attention to short sleeves to facilitate any withdrawals and opening on the front for seno.
A few ideas: a pair of comfortable slippers are very useful for the stay in hospital, while for the start of breastfeeding, nursing pads like the washable ones contained in thea Tilla Baby Box Mom & amp; Baby Prime.
4. Keep some practical tips in mind
With all the attention devoted to preparing the current for the baby on the way, you may find yourself leaving out some operational details, so it is useful to also take into account the practical aspects such as, for example, charging the phone. An often overlooked precaution: towards the end of pregnancy, carry your bag with you even on short trips, so if labor begins you will not have to go home again.a.
Some ideas: bring some coins with you for parking, or activate an app that allows you to pay for the parking, and don't forget the car seat for the return trip!
5. Think about what makes you feel good
Each person has a different experience of childbirth. In any case, it is a particular moment, in which energies and resources are concentrated to give birth to a new life and which brings with it a great change. Besides what serves it's important to think about what it helps toofeel comfortable: choosing a trustworthy structure is essential, but even the details can make the difference and here a book, a favorite t-shirt, a song, a snack can become a cuddle to draw on to stay in touch with yourself during this incredible journey .
Our service oftailor-made packaging it is perfect for developing a completely customized kit in line with the specific needs of the family, as well as for organizing the first changes for the hospital and all the current for the birth. Any idea You cante find here the first changes for your baby with a comfortable bag, And take a look at the collection of birth kitsMom & amp; Baby specifically designed for expectant parents. To further explore the issues related to childbirth, we share the link tobirth path proposed by the Ministry of Health.